A Guide to Energy Procurement for Businesses

Efficiency and value for money are top priorities for many businesses, especially when it comes to their energy bills. Energy is one of the largest controllable overheads in office buildings, so how can you reduce your energy bills and still run a business effectively?

Energy procurement is one of the most effective services on offer for businesses and it’s a great solution for companies of any size. Energy procurement services can save your business time, money and remove the stress of comparing energy companies yourself. If you’ve been thinking about switching energy providers or if you’re looking to save money on your energy bills, read on for our guide to energy procurement services.

What is energy procurement?

Put simply, energy procurement finds the best energy recommendations for your business. The process can be tailored to suit a business’s individual needs and energy management services include electricity, gas, LPG and water. Energy procurement services are suitable for a wide range of industries and businesses of varying sizes, so find out more about the services below.

Commercial electricity procurement

Commercial electricity procurement can help find the best possible price and eco-friendly service for your business. New green taxes have been introduced on many electricity contracts but procurement can find you a deal that’s environmentally friendly and good value for money.

Options include multi-site contracts (for businesses with five sites or more) and SME services for small and medium sized businesses. Commercial electricity contracts can be found through energy auction services, as well as specialist contracts for high intensive users.

Gas procurement services

An energy procurement company can monitor the live market to make sure you’re getting the best deals on commercial gas. Again, there are options for multi-site and SME contracts, as well as flexible procurement to buy and sell gas as and when you need. Flexible purchasing allows businesses to take advantage of price changes in the energy market.


Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) can be used for heating purposes, but also for catering, hot water and cooling equipment. LPG is ideal for any rural businesses that are ‘off-grid’ and an energy procurement company will source the best prices to suit your business. A procurement service can also negotiate to absorb the upfront costs of installing a new LPG tank.

Water procurement

An energy company can negotiate with water suppliers on your behalf to help businesses make significant savings on their water bills. Services include bill validation (to ensure you only pay for the water you use) and tariff optimisation, to ensure your business is on the right supply tariff.

Energy procurement can also help you switch water suppliers (this is possible for businesses but not individuals). Deregulation has given businesses the option to switch their business water retailer, with the chance to make savings on their water bills. Tariffs vary between leading suppliers, so you may be able to switch to a cheaper tariff that better suits your needs.

How can energy procurement services benefit my business?

Energy procurement and energy consultancy services can benefit your business in a variety of ways, so see below to find out more.

Save money

Energy procurement services give businesses access to competitive market pricing, allowing you to make savings on your energy bills. An energy procurement company can also negotiate contracts on your behalf to make sure you’re getting the best deal and to avoid paying for more energy than you actually need.

Time saving

Running a business can be extremely time consuming, so it’s likely that you or your employees simply won’t have the time to search for the best deals. An energy procurement company can do all the research on your behalf, leaving you free to manage the day to day running of the business.

Better control over operating costs

Energy markets can fluctuate throughout the year, but energy procurement services allow you to anticipate market threats and opportunities. This gives much greater control over your operating costs and allows you to stay within budget at all times.

Flexibility and lower risks

Energy procurement services can be extremely flexible and they allow you to take advantage of lower market prices where possible. An efficient service will streamline the auction process to give your business access to the best suppliers and lowest prices, without potential costly increases.

How to find a reliable energy procurement company

We’ve established what energy procurement is and how these services can benefit your business, but how do you choose the right company? There are many different energy procurement companies out there, so it’s important to choose the right one for your business and its needs. We’ve listed some factors to consider below.

Do your research

It’s worth taking the time to research several different energy procurement companies to make sure they’re a good fit. Look for a company with deep industry knowledge and a flexible range of services. A good energy procurement company will also have plenty of innovative ideas and the ability to source new technologies (including renewable energy sources).

Look at the services on offer

An efficient energy procurement company will offer more than just a sale, so take a look at any other services on offer. For example, do they offer impartial advice or after sales support? Will they work with you to develop an ongoing relationship or do they offer a one-off service?

You’ll also need to look at the types of energy on offer; is it just gas and electric or do they offer additional services like water, oil or renewable energy?

Think about your business’s needs

The size of your business is one of the main factors affecting its energy needs, as well as your energy usage. You’ll also need to think about the type of energy you need; do you want to stick to traditional energy sources or take steps to be more eco-friendly? A good energy procurement company will provide a bespoke plan that takes all your business needs into account, including helping you make the switch to renewable energy.

They’ll also make sure that you’re not paying for more energy than you need, especially if you’re a small business.

Look for transparency

Transparency is key when it comes to choosing a procurement company, so look for a company that’s open and willing to answer any questions. Make sure you have full clarity about any contracts or prices and look for a company that answers questions promptly and openly.

Professional energy procurement services from the experts at The Energy Desk

If you’re looking for bespoke energy procurement services for your business, get in touch with the experts at The Energy Desk. Our energy consultants are proud to offer managed services to suit you, including commercial electricity procurement, gas, LPG, water and oil procurement. We’ve helped businesses of varying sizes across a range of industries, working with them to reduce their energy bills and get the most out of their energy suppliers.

If you’re looking for an experienced, reliable energy management company, look no further than The Energy Desk. For more information about how we could help your business get the best energy deals, give us a call today or contact us via our website.

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