Achieving ESOS Compliance

The Energy savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) came into force last December, affecting over 10,000 large UK businesses who must undertake energy usage assessments to comply with the scheme. Calculating your energy expenditure over your buildings, transport and processes and identifying energy saving opportunities may sound simple enough, but gathering sufficient evidence and complying with the audit processes can be a complex and time-consuming task. And with the deadline for evidence pack submission looming on the 5th of December, there really is no time to waste to start ESOS compliance if you haven’t already.

6 Steps to ESOS Compliance

The below steps outline the process that companies can take to achieve complete ESOS compliance:

  1. Appoint a lead assessor; this can be an employee or external party, provided they are a member of an approved professional body
  2. Carry out measurement and data analysis to enable your organisation to account for its energy impact
  3. Keep records of building energy information including electricity and gas. This can be done either through an automated system or if your organisation is part of the carbon reduction commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme you may already have the energy gathering in place.
  4. Once data collection is completed, the ESOS assessment will focus on those activities or assets that consume 90% of the energy.
  5. Submit ESOS evidence pack to the Environment Agency
  6. Implement recommendations made, although you are not obliged to under ESOS. TED can fully fund technology and provide energy management if you wish to implement

For many businesses, appointing an external energy management company such as The Energy Desk is the easiest way to achieve ESOS compliance.

Book an ESOS Audit with TED

The Energy Desk has the expertise to carry out all your ESOS compliance requirements so that all you need to do is review the complete ESOS assessment before it is submitted to the Environment Agency.

Don’t risk being fined for late ESOS compliance or evidence submission – book an ESOS audit with The Energy Desk today and let us take care of the hard work for you. one of our energy consultants will get back to you as soon as possible when you fill in our online contact form.

To find out how your business could save money on it’s energy bills straight away, call 0845 838 9830

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Achieving ESOS Compliance
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