Whoever you choose to supply and drain your water, there are always ways that you can make savings and reduce your bill. A water statement usually covers how much you need to pay for water being supplied, abstraction, treatment and distribution. The Energy Desk can help you find ways to help reduce the cost of your water bill and start saving money sooner than you think.
Water Meters
Having a water meter means that you can monitor the usage of your water within your business. Many water companies base their bills on an estimated figure, so having a meter and paying based on the reading could drastically reduce your statements. If you find that you’re going above the estimated allowance, then it might be worth educating your staff on water efficiency.
Use Water Wisely
Even the little things can help you reduce your commercial water bill. At breaktimes, only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need for your cup of tea or coffee, ensure that the taps are switched fully off after use and re-use water from drinks or other wasted supplies to water the plants.
Checking for leaks in your taps and pipes will also help you cut down on your annual spending for water. If there is a leak underground, then you could claim for a leakage allowance. Changing your taps to include water flow restrictions can also reduce how much liquid comes out of the faucet by as much as fifty percent.
Changing Water Suppliers
Here at TED, we don’t just compare prices on gas and electricity, but also water! With prices and quotes from over twenty leading suppliers, you can use The Energy Desk to compare the best tariffs for your business. Our team will work with you to provide an audit to see where you could be saving, and our own accounts manager will make the switch to a new provider as seamless as possible as well as assisting with water bill optimisation.
The Energy Desk doesn’t just help you find a supplier, we will help you with bill validation, procurement and optimisation, all through our water procurement service.
Start Saving with TED
If you want to find out more on how you could be saving on your commercial water bills, then get in touch with our dedicated team who will be happy to advise and assist. You can call one of our advisers on 03330 151 221 or if you can’t talk right now and would like to arrange a call back, simply contact us online.
The Energy Desk are proud to be one of the leading energy broker companies.