Save money this year with TED Green

Reduce renewable energy costs

The Energy Desk (TED) is committed to helping you save money with renewable energy and greener resources for your business. You can save this money this year with energy services from TED including green technologies and funding for green energy.

TED specialise in research and development of renewable energy sources and making them eco-friendly and cost-effective options for businesses to invest in. Solar energy, biomass and waste to energy technologies are all popular options for businesses and TED can help fund your renewable energy too.

Install renewable energy and reduce costs

TED will work with you to assess your energy needs and provide a great value renewable energy solution for your business or commercial property. Our team can provide your company with an audit to check exactly what type of renewable energy you need and the best way in which to produce it. There are numerous advantages for making your business greener and it is essential that you get professional advice to ensure you make the most savings possible on your energy.

LED Lighting

TED can install LED lighting in your business premises to save you a significant amount of money on your lighting costs. TED can assess the best ways in which to install the lighting to significantly save you money. LED lighting provides an effective and efficient lighting solution that is durable and that also operates in extreme temperatures. Therefore, LED lighting is suitable for a huge number of businesses, and is proven to last a lifetime.

CHP (Combined Heat and Power) Systems

Some businesses will benefit from a CHP (Combined Heat and Power) System and TED will research the most efficient and cost-effective energy suppliers for your business. With years of experience, we can combine energy providers to ensure you have the best Combined Heat & Power solution for your business.

Available green technologies are versatile, TED will source the right one to suit your enterprise’s requirements.

Financial options are available

TED can answer any questions you may have when it comes to fuelling your business with renewable energy and we can also help find funding for your new technology. Initial installation costs can be moderately high, however, there are various options of green funding available that can be invested in your business to help you with a renewable energy installation. Over time your renewable energy source will pay for itself and save your business money at the same time, with differing routes of funding available.

Contact TED to for energy savings

If you’re interested in saving money this year and would like to install a renewable energy solution for your business, then get in touch with TED online.

We can find the most sustainable energy sources for your business and help you make great savings. For more information, you can call TED directly on 03330 151 221 .

TED is an award winning energy broker company.

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Save money this year with TED Green
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