TED Director prepares to attend 2016 TELCA Awards

TED Director to attend TELCA 2016 Awards

Zoe Chadwick, Director of The Energy Desk, will be attending the prestigious Energy Live Consultancy Awards (TELCA) on the 30th of June in London. Zoe was nominated in the Industry Expert of the Year category which is a fantastic achievement!


The Energy Desk at Energy Management Awards


The awards are being held at the Honourable Artillery Company in London which will see experts within the energy industry come together for a night of celebration.

Competition within each category is set to be fierce and to be nominated is a great honour for Zoe, but we wish Zoe all the best and hope she claims the award she so richly deserves.

We are thrilled at Zoe’s nomination and have our fingers crossed that she takes home the award.


Contact The Energy Desk for Utility Procurement Services


The Energy Desk are an energy management company committed to keeping our clients energy consumption as low and as cost efficient as possible. We help businesses to optimise their energy usage and can help with funding solutions. From solar, biomass and waste to energy options, We offer a wide range of green energy solutions.
Last minute tickets are available for the TELCA Awards, you can see how to obtain them here.

For (hopefully award-winning) expert advice from The Energy Desk you can call a member of our team on 08458389830 or 01282 798 614. Alternatively, you can leave your details on our contact us page.

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