Commercial Biomass Funding from The Energy Desk

The Energy Desk have the ability to get you funding for almost any biomass project within the UK. Our specialist team work closely with your business to establish a clear understanding of your renewable energy needs. TED can completely fund your biomass energy system funding from supply to installation, while also providing assistance and impartial advice with regards to the Renewable Heat Incentive.

If you are looking to reduce your energy bills and take serious advantage of the RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) from the government, then get in touch with The Energy Desk biomass experts today.

Commercial RHI Biomass Funding

biomass fundingOne of the biggest advantages of biomass energy for businesses is the Renewable Heat Incentive. There is a much bigger incentive to install biomass boilers since the introduction of the RHI scheme in November 2011, which is aimed at the non – domestic sector, providing payments to public sector organisations, businesses and industry for using biomass energy solutions. The scheme also provides long term financial support which helps fund the transition to renewable energy (in this case biomass) and over the period of the payments covers the cost of installation altogether making the process as hassle free as possible.

Such schemes have derived from the UK’s binding objective concluded under the European Commission’s Renewable Energy Directive which is to source 15% of its overall energy consumption using renewables by the year of 2020.

You may think that the government funding your biomass solutions and ultimately paying you for using biomass energy is too good to be true. However, biomass produces virtually no pollution when being produced, resulting in less harm to the environment. Not only does it emit less harmful emissions to the environment but another huge advantage of biomass energy is its ability to turn harmful waste into useful energy resources. For example, refuse can be burnt in order to create useful biomass energy, learn more about money saving energy recovery.

Nationwide Commercial Biomass Suppliers

Just because the project is government funded doesn’t mean that there are fixed prices and no room for additional saving. Rather than limiting our search to just one provider, when you ask TED to look at a biomass solution you will be given impartial advice and a number of installers and options that best suit your requirements. TED deal with all biomass manufacturers and a large number of installers, all of which are highly reputable in their industry and have undergone strict due diligence and quality control processes. We will approach these manufacturers and installers on your behalf after assessing your energy requirements in order to source the best deal.

To find out more about how biomass energy can benefit your business, how much revenue you could earn through the RHI or to arrange a biomass quote, please contact The Energy Desk team today on 01282 798614

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