Here at The Energy Desk our water consultants have an abundance of experience when it comes to implementing water efficiency improvements and reducing costs. Our experts offer a variety of water consultancy services from invoice health checks to developing water strategies and cutting costs.
TED’s Free Water Health Check
Our team of experts offer FREE water health checks by examining/auditing your water invoices and tariffs to identify just how much money you could save through TED.
Reduce Commercial Water Bills with The Energy Desk
After the free site check our experts will make recommendations suited to your business/industry (i.e. alternative sources of water) for improving on overall water efficiency and reducing the associated costs.
Our water procurement experts investigate all aspects of your site’s water supply points, and any other relevant areas concerning water usage, including industrial processes, swimming pools and cooling machines/towers. We can then analyse all aspects e.g. wastewater, sundry charges and annual water usage which ultimately enables us to determine whether or not they reflect consumption and whether you could reduce your commercial water bill.
From concept to completion – feasibility and end to end management of the project
Our team of experts will produce a solid case for any opportunities to improve efficiency and cut costs, showcasing the ROI and finally producing a plan for implementing the best solution.
Find out whether you could save money with our FREE feasibility study and water efficiency health check.
Speak to one of our energy experts today on 0845 838 9830.